Welcome to The Treehouse University
(Home - Porter's Lodge - Prospectus - Matriculation - Roll of Honour)

Any notices will be posted here

Contact details: PM Boris the Tonk in the Treehouse or e-mail here

Logo help wanted - The TU needs a logo...sadly the Vice-Chancellor is a cack-handed clot when it comes to anything artistic so any help would be gratefully received at the above address.

Web design help wanted - The place is up and running but it looks fairly bland.  Any ideas, offers, suggestions gratefully received at the above address.

Freshers' Week - Freshers' Week continues until March 5th.  You can look at what courses are available and what they entail but no matriculation will be entered into until after Freshers' Week ends.  Once the term starts properly you may start to take the exams that lead to the qualifications.  More information on this soon...

Tutors Wanted - Do you want to spread your knowledge?  Don't worry if you think it's too personal, too esoteric or too far out; let us know and add your field of expertise to those courses already offered.  Take a look at what courses are being offered so far and contact us if you think you could help.